Advice and answers from the Contentment Team
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Getting Started

Learn more about the Contentment Foundation

20 articles in this collection

Written by Somesh Bhardwaj, Kristina Blundon, Dipesh Bhardwaj, Lakhan Samani

Getting Started Family Application

Getting Started Family Application

8 articles in this collection

Written by Kristina Blundon, Dipesh Bhardwaj

Best Practices

Tips for getting the most out of Administrator & Teacher Dashboards

6 articles in this collection

Written by Kristina Blundon, Dipesh Bhardwaj

Rollout Strategy

Discover important elements of your school's Four Pillars rollout.

6 articles in this collection

Written by Dipesh Bhardwaj, Kristina Blundon


Answers from the Contentment Team to some of the most frequently asked questions

16 articles in this collection

Written by Kristina Blundon, Dipesh Bhardwaj, Somesh Bhardwaj, Lakhan Samani

Security, Privacy & Terms

Accounting and Legal Information can be found here

7 articles in this collection

Written by Dipesh Bhardwaj, Lakhan Samani